

Opinions On Virtual Manager - With Crack A Jack Fc

Posted in General

Deleted club 15 February 2012, 21:30
Opinions On Virtual Manager - With Crack A Jack Fc
This time Big Kenny the manager of Kenny's All Stars moves to a grate place Crack A Jack Fc's stadium The crack house with allmost 9,000 fans. This time we will fined out hints on virtual manager and Bobby s's (the manager of the club that will probaly have promotion next season) views on virtual manager and how his club is as good as it is today.


Club - Crack A Jack Fc
Manager - Bobby s
Club's Suporters - 8,751
VIFA Ranck - 296
Trophies Won - 35
Stadium size - 20,000
Total player value - 39,550,830C
Established - 2009

Questions And Ansews

Q) Ok the first question of the series is what do you think is the best part of virtual manager at the moment?

Crack A Jack Fc wrote:
For me the best part is trying to catch the top teams as im more of a older team player and some of the banter on the forums not so much lately as its died down.
Q) Many clubs on vm strugle making money so how dose your club (a very sucsesfull club) make its money to mentain your hight standerd of football?

Crack A Jack Fc wrote:
I gain most of money through games really, I keep a eye put for cheap T's who could hit the big value update before the turn 16 and sell them for more but mainly through games and prize money.
Q) How is you team doing and what is your long or short term plan if any?

Crack A Jack Fc wrote:
Mixed feels to be honest glad as its always nice to have that bit of history but gutted as I willl be getting beat most games and my vifa ranking will prob go down,be good 2c where I am though and how far off if I get promoted.
Q) The final question is how do you feel about the fact that you could be in the top leag next season.

Crack A Jack Fc wrote:
top in div2 in italy as we speak, short term plan is to get better but younger players to help me save for more seats for the stadium, long term plan to get a bigger stadium and better training ground the go mega old to try compete at the top again.
Crack A Jack Fc's Tip Of The Day
Have a plan and stick 2it no matter how long it seems to take. I used to swap and change and it didnt get me anywhere quick.

Kenny's All Stars Verdict
Well if a club like Crack A Jack belives that from experence it must mean somthing I agree with the Tip Of The Day from Bobby s.

Kenny's All Stars Help
: D smiley
: ) smiley
: P smiley
: ( smiley
: S smiley
: away : smiley
: hihi : smiley
: chok : smiley
: ked : smiley
: roll : smiley
; ) smiley
:back : smiley
all without spaces........
Star Player - Crack A Jack Fc
Name: skyros-skouloudis
Position: Forwerd Centre
Value: 4,920,000C
Overviw: Biggest abilitey number: finishing 186
This player is so good he is there clubs top scorer and a big player who is dominating leag 2 group 2 Italy.

That is all for this time I hope you enjoyed it but for now good bye and enjoy the next posts.

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Deleted club 15 February 2012, 22:11
So what do you all thinck about the first topic of a ten manager interviwing serise.

Deleted club 15 February 2012, 22:13
Next time Kenny all stars heds to johs army to get some tips on traning and youths.

Deleted club 15 February 2012, 22:28
I hope this info was intresting.

Bolton Wanderers (Paul) Forum moderator 15 February 2012, 23:17
Well, it started off bad, it dipped a bit in the middle and the less said about the end the better smiley The more you edit it the better it becomes. I like the club synopsis bit.

Deleted club 15 February 2012, 23:33
Nice effort, great to see someone being positive with the forums

Deleted club 16 February 2012, 10:20

Deleted club 16 February 2012, 20:01
if you enjoyed this topic be sure to view the rest.

Deleted club 16 February 2012, 21:09
Maybe if it was a little more organised, such as: a smaller graphic, so it doesn't look pixelated; maybe instead of putting the URL, just make a link; general layout; and maybe use spell checker next time. Then I may read it. But, my eyes hurt just looking at it. smiley

Deleted club 16 February 2012, 21:10
Ok thanks.