

Get rid of ads! VM Pro is out now!

Bubbles, FC Sunnyvale Developer 24 November 2021, 11:46

Today we have released the long awaited VM Pro - our ad-free subscription.

I have already written a lot in the blog about VM Pro, and why it has long been a desire to be able to offer an ad-free subscription, so here I'll just tell you about all the features.

  • No ads!
  • Colour your stadium
  • Rename your youth squad
  • Upload your own match kit designs
  • Contract assurance without the use of tickets

No ads!

This is of course the main reason why we have created a new subscription type, and it is the reason for the subscription being more expensive than regular Premium.

When we turn off the ads, we obviously lose that revenue and that has to be covered by the higher price.

But, for you the game will be much more enjoyable, and for us it means we become less dependent on ads. If enough people who upgrade to Pro, there will be less risk that the whims of the advertising market will tear the rug away from under us.

Colour your stadium

With VM Pro you can change the colours of your stadium!

The colour choice isn't 100% free, as the feature technically adjusts the colours of the original graphics, so for example, sections that are darker in the original graphics will also be darker after your colour adjustment.

In order for you to better flaunt your stadium design, we have also made sure that stadiums are shown on the match prelude and in the match summary.

Rename your youth squad

Now your youth squad no longer needs to be named exactly the same as your club. VM Pro allows you to give the youth squad its own name.

The name of the youth squad must be something that can be related to your club. In my case, it could be "Sunnyvale Juniors", "Sunny Boys" or something like that.

Upload your own match kit designs

In my latest blog post, I unveiled a new feature in Pro that will allow you to design your own match kits. You can read more about this here.

Contract assurance without using tickets

Usually it costs a few VM Tickets to use contract assurance, but if you have Pro, then you can protect yourself from losing players to accidental contract expiry without having to use tickets.

Just go to the contracts page and turn on the feature.

Intro offer

VM Pro is 5.99£ / 6.59€ per 30 days if you choose the monthly subscription.

But, if you buy a whole year, you can get Pro right now for 4.99£ / 5.25€ per month.

Subscription upgrade

If you already have a Premium subscription, you can easily upgrade by heading over to the shop.

When you upgrade, we immediately deduct the first installment from your current subscription and convert your excess Premium to Pro days. 1 Premium day is converted to approx. 0.59 Pro days.