

Follow Virtual Manager's development

Liam - CM, FC Apollyon Community Manager 30 November 2021, 16:43

Adding Changelogs

Have you ever wondered what the Virtual Manager updates are all about? Is there a new feature that you just noticed, but others have been seeing for weeks?

Not any more!

You can now go to changelogs (Help -> Changelogs) to see all the latest additions, changes and bug fixes that have been implemented.

The last few updates have introduced wishes and bug fixes from our users.

One of them is the shoutbox, which got a touch up and some fixes. It is now possible to change the text the first few minutes after the message has been posted.

VM Awards

In the coming week we will open up the VM Awards forum, where manager of the year, most helpful manager and newbie of the year can be discussed.

Lets continue the talk in this feedback topic: 1229842-feedback-follow-vm-development