New training groups on the way
We are currently working on some new training groups functionality, where the most important new feature is that training will work directly on the new player abilities. As it is today, your training still operates on the old abilities, which are then converted to the new ones after each training session.
But that's not the only new training groups feature. We've put our heads together, and come up with some better tools for you to plan and fine-tune your training.
Abilities are no longer hidden
On the new training groups page, you'll be able to see exactly which abilities, the different exercises will improve. That means no more guesswork or having to dig through the forums to figure out which exercise will improve a certain ability.
Effort adjustment
You'll also be able to adjust how much of the total effort you want to put into each ability during training.
For instance, if your players are lagging behind in dribbling, you'll be able to prioritize dribbling over the other abilities in a specific exercise.
We're not ready to show off the entire training page yet, but here's a small sneak peek of the effort distribution panel:
You get 20 green bars that you can distribute over the different abilities. You must place at least 2 bars in each ability.
Estimated energy consumption
When you set the intensity of the workout, we'll show you an estimate of how much energy your players will lose during the exercise.
New, touchscreen friendly design
The old training groups page doesn't support touch devices, such as phones and tablets. The new page has been made with mobile devices in mind, so you'll be able to do everything on a mobile device that you can on desktop.
If all goes well, we expect to be able to publish the new training groups page in late February or early March.
Have a nice weekend!