Status of the new training update
Yesterday we published the long-awaited update of the training system and the incredible amount of underlying systems that were dependent on the old training results and old player attributes.
There will always be bugs when publishing such a large and comprehensive update, but we've now got a pretty good handle on things.
Last week I wrote that one should expect that there would be some changes in which players have the different awards and I'd just like to elaborate on that.
Wonder kids, class and world class
These awards were previously calculated from the old player attributes.
They are now based on player rating, which is calculated from the new player attributes.
These awards should be stable at this point.
The Talent awards are based on both the player's hidden potential and their 12 most recent training results.
Previously we used the old training results, but now we're using the new ones.
But because we have not yet had 12 full days with the new training system, a part of the results, of course, will be those that were previously converted over after each training session. I have previously described the problems that the conversion algorithm had.
This means that it will take another 10-11 days from now, before the Talent awards have completely stabilised. Most (but probably not all) of the players who had the Talent award before the update should get them back.
Lots of fixes since yesterday
Since yesterday we have been working hard to correct the bugs that have emerged. Here is a list of some of the fixes since yesterday:
- Players were not removed from the training group when they left the club - Fixed.
- Fixed a problem that hammered the database hard just after the release.
- Fixed display of training average on old scout reports.
- Fixed a crash that happened when firing coaches.
- Cleanup of players who were not removed from the training groups when they were sold, because they were sold while our conversion was underway.
- Added additional monitoring to scout procedure.
- Training group editor showed only staff who had 'Coach' as a specialty - Fixed.
- Fixed a bug that meant that the training effort setting for individual abilities could go below the minimum allowable if you reduced intensity.
- Fixed layout error that occurred when displaying training results on Windows.
- Corrected 4 different bugs that meant a number of clubs could not use the training group editor.
- Fixed crash when viewing training statistics, in cases where a player had retired and been deleted.
- Fixed a bug that made it impossible to put certain younger players up for auction due to number of trainings.
- Fixed bug that made the player rating incorrect on some pages.
- Added player age in training groups.
- If a player is put in a group with an exercise he cannot train, instead of training 0% he now plays a training match without a coach, and a notification with a warning is sent.
- If you edit a group far down the page, you no longer have to scroll back up to see the editor window.
- During automatic training, notifications were not sent and VM TIckets were not withdrawn - Fixed.
- Players are now sorted by position in training groups.
Next week we expect to be ready with a solution that automatically scrolls the page down, if you have many training groups, and you're trying to put a player into a group that is far down the page.