
Return to USA

Written 19 November 2017, 10:52

On 19.11.2017, Tapponautit GM Tappajanautti has decided that the club will move back to USA. Tapponautit played there for 19 seasons before relocating to Spain, where they now played for 8 seasons. Here's more from the GM himself.

"This decisions was as difficult for us to make as was moving away from USA. We've thought about this for the last few seasons, and eventhought playing here has been great and all of our fans have been unbelievably supportive, we just feel stuck. The reason we decided to got back to USA is that we still feel like we owe more to all of our fans there, taking nothing away from our fans elsewhere, we're very thankful of you all. We'd also like to thank the whole country of Spain for so generously giving us this stadium to use, and for everything else."

We also got an interview from the teams USA born player, 28 years old middlefielder Chadwick Grayer, about his return home.

"Of course it feels great to go back home, i felt a little upset leaving. But Spain has became like a second home for me, maybe i'll move here after my retirement, and i want to thank everyone who has helped and supported me here for that."

Also the team captain 33 years old John Mark Terry wanted to have a word.

"Firstly, thank you so much to all our fans here in Spain, you guys have been unbelievable. It feels weird but also exciting to got back to USA. Being relistic, i dont think i have many more seasons in me, and im waiting to end my carrer with this club in the place where it started."

The rumours about the team going back to USA started at the end of October, but then went quiet until now. The application to USA has already been sent by the club.


20 November 2017, 15:47
Good luck there, my friend. We will miss you and we know that you will be better than ever.