On right track!

Written 2 September 2017, 17:41

After 35 games and a 9 point lead till 2nd places the team is on right track. The club manager Daniel Jensen do believe that the teams chances of winning the championship is most likely 100%. With that said Daniel has been thinking about changing up the tactics for the coming games to leave extra room for the reserves and young talents to show their worth to the rest of the football world. With the promotion secured we are looking forward to a tough season in Division 5 next year. The club has already prepared for the new standards, which also demand new needs therefore the club has decided to expand the stadium capacity from 400 to approx 1.100 spectators after the team sold out it's stadium capacity all games this season.

Last but not least we want to thank all our supporters for being an amazing support after our disappointing relegation last season.

- FC Lufthavnen
