RB Spion Kop FC

safayat chowdhury on the:youth acadamy

Written 22 January 2011, 00:50

safayat chowdhury has first timed talked about his teams youth acadamy.

"we are a good acadamy.we are working hard getting are local lads to become fantastic players.if anyone thinks against are acadamy think again just look at are discovery history which has been discovering many players that shined to the challange.we have discovered over 20 players who have moved on to good clubs and good teams.no one can denay that. are most recent players are vlado kopk and
boris gorgodze so frankly im not revealing are training secrets yet.i am absolutly prowed of are staff,players and facilitys.so if your asking me if im worried or disappointed in the acadamy then my answer of corse is no."
