Sildegapet FC

Time to hit back

Written 6 February 2013, 18:38

Chowdhury has told the media that the reason for the clubs lack of transfer activity was clear, the owners were not looking for league success but concentrating on renovating the training facilities that will make Sildegapet FC one of the strongest clubs in the world.

However, following the sale of Jen Hintermeier, the up and coming German goalkeeper, Chowdhury has told the press that he has more money to play with. He is determined to rebuild a successful side and has already signed a massive potential in Avikar Duchin.

He hopes to show the world that Sildegapet are serious about taking on better clubs in the second edition of the One Nation World Cup.

In the first world Cup, Sildegapet were clearly the worst team in the tournament, knocked out at the group stages without scoring a goal and losing 14-1 on aggregate to Diament Garwolin in the semi finals of the wooden spoon knock out competition, Chowdhury hwants to put in more of a challenge this time to stop the belief that Sildegapet are an easy team to beat.

The owners message was also simple and clear, that they are backing Sildegapet and will give him as much as they can spare. They are out to prove a point.
