4. division, pulje 5


Spiller Køber Sælger Pris Tidspunkt
- - Chelsea FC 0 C 27/03 '2020, 00:23
- Chelsea FC - 2.569 C 27/03 '2020, 00:23
- Chelsea FC - 2.263 C 27/03 '2020, 00:23
- The Wrecking Crew nakkers bold union 19.000.002 C 26/03 '2020, 20:40
- The Green Frogs FC Brund 749.000 C 26/03 '2020, 17:23
- The Green Frogs PSV Sawston 550.000 C 26/03 '2020, 17:10
- The Green Frogs Hubhub Giants 600.000 C 26/03 '2020, 17:09
- The Green Frogs Bristol Rovers FC 1.000.000 C 26/03 '2020, 17:07
- The Green Frogs Pigeon Religion 800.000 C 26/03 '2020, 17:05
- The Green Frogs fodbold drengen 750.000 C 26/03 '2020, 17:03
- Fremad A Rip rap og rup FC 299.999 C 26/03 '2020, 17:00
- - Chelsea FC 0 C 26/03 '2020, 16:43
- - Chelsea FC 0 C 26/03 '2020, 16:43
- Chelsea FC - 1.792 C 26/03 '2020, 16:42
- Chelsea FC - 2.481 C 26/03 '2020, 16:42
- Slim Shady The Green Frogs 1.400.000 C 26/03 '2020, 08:02
- FC Lokko The Green Frogs 1.390.000 C 26/03 '2020, 07:06
- BIF UNITED Chelsea FC 28.000.000 C 25/03 '2020, 20:08
- Team Stjær Kjær Aarhus FC 700.001 C 25/03 '2020, 17:51
- Team Stjær Kjær Mad Tekz 422.223 C 25/03 '2020, 13:31