2. division, pulje 1


Spiller Køber Sælger Pris Tidspunkt
- Ad Pontes FC - 1.923 C 22/03 '2020, 17:21
- Ad Pontes FC - 1.809 C 22/03 '2020, 17:20
- Ad Pontes FC - 1.880 C 22/03 '2020, 17:20
- Ad Pontes FC - 1.230 C 22/03 '2020, 17:19
- Africa as Gigarox Fc 3.888.889 C 22/03 '2020, 13:23
- Bazz FC Ofi Kreta 2.100.000 C 22/03 '2020, 10:01
- - The Wrecking Crew 0 C 21/03 '2020, 23:51
- fc kress FC Bradzelona 6.666.006 C 21/03 '2020, 22:50
- FC Bradzelona Nedrykkerne FC 9.222.223 C 21/03 '2020, 20:48
- Helsinge FC The Wrecking Crew 13.000.001 C 21/03 '2020, 20:13
- The Hellcats Brøndens FK 160.010 C 21/03 '2020, 19:34
- - FC Bradzelona 0 C 21/03 '2020, 19:20
- - FC Bradzelona 0 C 21/03 '2020, 19:20
- - FC Bradzelona 0 C 21/03 '2020, 19:10
- - FC Bradzelona 0 C 21/03 '2020, 19:10
- - FC Bradzelona 0 C 21/03 '2020, 19:10
- Birmingham City GloryGloryFC 5.000.001 C 21/03 '2020, 17:56
- Bazz FC Bergstrand Fc 2.500.001 C 21/03 '2020, 15:27
- - The Wrecking Crew 0 C 20/03 '2020, 23:16
- GloryGloryFC ballyfermot united 3.700.000 C 20/03 '2020, 20:45