3. division, pulje 2


Spiller Køber Sælger Pris Tidspunkt
Luis Gregorio Clavel - Herslev IF 0 C 24/03, 18:07
- Caso Montana FC Charizards Disciple 180.000 C 24/03, 17:54
Payton Barbour Caso Montana FC Coconut Lions 600.001 C 24/03, 17:44
Karad Gabris AFC Up the Hill Sommerklub 3.300.000 C 24/03, 17:41
- - Caso Montana FC 0 C 24/03, 17:37
- - Caso Montana FC 0 C 24/03, 17:37
Qarash Yolchiyev Letchworth Coconut Lions 66.667 C 24/03, 17:37
Ramon Cleyn S C Braga AFC Up the Hill 1.150.000 C 24/03, 16:50
Tor Stjerna La Real Madrid FC FC Sebber 4.999.999 C 24/03, 15:48
Hughes Papi West Coast FC - 1.071 C 24/03, 12:09
Takius Angelis Caso Montana FC Girona FC 102.367 C 24/03, 11:20
Augustin Mersca Caso Montana FC FC Daffy 300.001 C 24/03, 11:19
Lukas Lopez citroen Hibernian FC 1.000.000 C 24/03, 10:21
Davur Steffensen Nørgaard Gunners Glasgow Cranes 550.000 C 24/03, 09:53
Sergio Iraneta - Golazas 0 C 23/03, 23:10
Obiako Iwenofu - Golazas 0 C 23/03, 23:10
Ditmar Seidl - Golazas 0 C 23/03, 23:10
Finley Welsh - Golazas 0 C 23/03, 23:10
Adam Grof - Golazas 0 C 23/03, 23:10
Lean Haugsted Inter Hamster RHL Casuals 333.336 C 23/03, 21:56