División 2, Grupo 1


Jugador Comprador Vendedor Precio Tiempo
Izajasz Kwiecien - Liverpool Esrum 0 C 04-28, 04:10
Achille Ben Dereuddre - Fc Gellert 0 C 04-27, 22:41
Nagataka Hiramura De store Red Bull Amsterdam 2.008.001 C 04-27, 21:07
Felix Obayan FC Niederpleis The Red Tigers 8.111.112 C 04-27, 20:57
Thore Cold Harbo IF La Galaxys 1.222.223 C 04-27, 20:44
Glenn Hansch - De rullende appelsiner 0 C 04-27, 18:50
Ivan Lunde Bjørnsen - De rullende appelsiner 0 C 04-27, 18:50
Gideon Bopape - De rullende appelsiner 0 C 04-27, 18:50
Gingo Tanida - De rullende appelsiner 0 C 04-27, 18:49
Alejandro Cabrera - De rullende appelsiner 0 C 04-27, 18:49
Felix Obayan The Red Tigers The Dwarfs 7.500.000 C 04-27, 18:15
Daniel Cuevas - De store 0 C 04-27, 06:20
Shidou Mitsumoto De store - 2.224 C 04-27, 06:17
Markus Henke Nyman - Damsgaard BK 0 C 04-26, 22:21
Bence Agoston Juhasz Bois Boldklup FC Barcelona Club 3.010.001 C 04-26, 21:17
Miguel De Tezanos The Red Tigers Mechs 4.999.999 C 04-26, 18:08
Jasper Stauning Krohn The Red Tigers Fc Luckyboys 5.000.000 C 04-26, 18:08
Leo Kviteberg - The Red Tigers 0 C 04-26, 17:48
Dante Lavolpe - fc lille tut 0 C 04-26, 05:48
Dante Lavolpe fc lille tut - 2.600 C 04-26, 05:45