


Posted in General

Wymondley Park FC (The Spritenight) 25 January 2020, 22:36
Hello all,

I am new to the game and decided to look in the forum's for advice on how to start.

Should I upgrade training or stadium? Who do I know if a player is good enough to buy?

Also while looking through the forum's most teams seem to have a logo and/or a banner. How do I get one?

If anyone could awnser this it would be really helpful.


Osbaston Tigers (Russell) 25 January 2020, 22:45
No doubt someone will gently point you in the direction of this wealth of information:

Well worth reading.

Wish you all the best~

Wymondley Park FC (The Spritenight) 25 January 2020, 22:50
Thx I'll have a look