

Any Value, No Trainer

Posted in Player Valuations

Frazer All Stars (William) 30 January 2020, 01:10
Hi there, i don't have VM Premium so i don't know the average but he has had some good trainings

Link removed BW Player on auction

The Dark Carnival (Orzel) 30 January 2020, 13:09
Average is 66 - Closeish to Talent level but not quite there - Not much value - maybe someone will give you 30k hoping he can improve.

For reference - if you add up his trainings and divide by 5 then you'd have easily been able to work out his average.

Newcastle United FC (James) 30 January 2020, 19:58
Personally would have given you a couple of hundred K for him, that was until I realised you're dual clubbing. Cmon dude if you're going to do it atleast change the 2nd teams manager name LOL