

Stadium capacity should be bigger for different di

Posted in Ideas/development

Liverpooll FC (Usman) 25 October 2021, 02:16
I think that it is really unfair for us players without VM premium to upgrade are stadium higher than what it already is I think that it needs a change and I'm sure many others will agree with me because all of us low leagues teams can't get anywhere with the money we get maybe if the game allowed us to upgrade our stadiums further depending on which division and group we are in I'm sure there are many other things that could be increased like the total amount of players allowed in each club to about 25.

And talking for the devs, you can find other ways to make people want VM premium like make their be limits to upgrading things like training facilities or Viva rank rewards make these available for the premium players and give us non premium players who can't afford it something good to play with because ever since I started playing I have realised that there is many restrictions for non premium players

I don't mean to be offensive I'm just trying to prove a point so please understand that

Usman (PRADA FC Manager)

Understated Excellence (Messiah) 4 December 2021, 19:29
Not started paying yet so I am guessing must be enough in the game to keep you interested

Liverpooll FC (Usman) 4 December 2021, 20:17
I don’t know i think at least 4500 seats again would be sick

Understated Excellence (Messiah) 4 December 2021, 22:25
I think the developers do consider the benefits of having non-paying more advertising, when assessing how much to give for free.

What you have to remember is, the game won't survive unless people do subscribe. So if you enjoy it, I'd urge you to pay to play....get the extra benefits and grow the club faster. The most exciting point is the beginning of the journey on this game.

Liverpooll FC (Usman) 7 December 2021, 00:13
You are right however it would be better just for a little more accessibility for users that aren't paying