

Few Questions

Posted in General

Arcore FC (Dean Robertson) 1 February 2025, 19:33
Hi all,

I used to play this game years ago when I was young and enjoyed it, even tho I never really knew what I was doing lol, but I remembered it existed the other day and was delighted to see it was still about.

After reading about in the forums a bit I decided to give it ago after many years, but I have some questions.

1) Is there anything I need to make sure I do daily apart from training to be efficient as possible?

2) Is there a recommended tactic/tactics to build a team around? I've had a look at a lot of teams in the top leagues and see a 3 back is common but unsure if that's as effective with lesser players.

3) I see that you can set up training exercise, is this worth doing and if so what type would you recommend.

Rookery Park (Matt Colley) 1 February 2025, 19:41
Welcome back smiley

Would recommend giving this a read through:

I don't think there's anything you have to daily aside from training as such no - just make sure to create your 5 youth players every season. The best way to make money is buying and selling players for sure, that is something I'd say the more time you put into naturally the quicker you should progress assuming all goes well

Wouldn't worry too much about specific formations just yet, so long as you have a relatively normal standard formation and the player is in the green slots for their respective positions you'll be fine for a while

Wouldn't worry about training exercises as you need trainers for them which I would not recommend until you've made it through several training facility upgrades, training match is absolutely fine for starting out and a while beyond that

Good luck, if you need anything more specific feel free to drop a mail message

Arcore FC (Dean Robertson) 1 February 2025, 19:55

Thanks for the welcome back and the quick response. I did have a little read through that before re-joining but will look at it more now I can actually follow the advice in game.

Also thanks for the answers to my questions, it is much apricated. I look forward to getting back into the game.

SuDoku AFC (Crew Member of the year) Crew 2 February 2025, 12:41
Welcome back!
- it's always good to have previously "retired" managers returning for a new VM life smiley

1) Is there anything I need to make sure I do daily apart from training to be efficient as possible?
- Check your team / Notifications to make sure any suspended or injured players have been correctly replaced, then, trading players is definitely the way to get ahead of your peers.

2) Is there a recommended tactic/tactics to build a team around? I've had a look at a lot of teams in the top leagues and see a 3 back is common but unsure if that's as effective with lesser players.
- Make sure that you always have at least 3 recognised Midfielders playing in their correct positions at all times.

Arcore FC (Dean Robertson) 2 February 2025, 14:58
Thanks for the welcome back and the advice it is greatly appreciated.