1. Match kit
  2. 14
  3. 9
    Shots on target
  4. 81%
    Ball possession
  5. 0
    Yellow cards
  6. 0
    Red cards
  7. 04/23, 11:05
  8. 3,351 / 64,000 spectators

  1. 11
    Saul Nhlanhla Saziwa scored to 1 - 0
  2. 22
    Emhyr Gunter scored to 2 - 0
  3. 34
    Emhyr Gunter scored to 3 - 0
  4. 46
    Emhyr Gunter scored to 4 - 0
  5. 45
    Hauk Forberg was replaced with Erlend Helseth
  6. 45
    Emhyr Gunter was replaced with August Bader
  7. 45
  8. 56
    Saul Nhlanhla Saziwa scored to 5 - 0
  9. 64
    August Bader scored to 6 - 0
  10. 79
    Saul Nhlanhla Saziwa scored to 7 - 0
  11. 90
    Feliciano Orlando scored to 8 - 0