1. Match kit
  2. 1
  3. 1
    Shots on target
  4. 13%
    Ball possession
  5. 0
    Yellow cards
  6. 0
    Red cards
  7. 04/23, 15:45
  8. 100 / 100 spectators

  1. 7
    Eloi Fofao scored to 0 - 1
  2. 17
    Isidor De Zidane scored to 0 - 2
  3. 27
    Stephane De Declerck scored to 0 - 3
  4. 34
    Stephane De Declerck scored to 0 - 4
  5. 46
    Stephane De Declerck scored to 0 - 5
  6. 52
    Jean-Claude De Zidane scored to 0 - 6
  7. 55
    Eloi Fofao was replaced with Demba Jolves
  8. 55
  9. 55
  10. 62
    Stephane De Declerck scored to 0 - 7
  11. 70
    Demba Jolves scored to 0 - 8
  12. 80
    Stephane De Declerck scored to 0 - 9