Division 3, Grupp 1


Spelare Köpare Säljare Pris Tidpunkt
- Yorkshire Knights FC Broder Salsa FC 2.550.000 C 06/04 '2021, 10:16
- FC Hjørring Star Border Line 125.000 C 06/04 '2021, 08:55
- West End Warriors Border Line 157.000 C 06/04 '2021, 06:10
- AGF Wanderers Havana BK 3.550.000 C 06/04 '2021, 06:06
- HyPo FC - 1.920 C 06/04 '2021, 04:12
- HyPo FC - 1.919 C 06/04 '2021, 04:12
- AGF Wanderers - 2.408 C 05/04 '2021, 22:04
- Border Line Birmingham City 80.001 C 05/04 '2021, 22:00
- Hashtagyoloswag Forloren Pingvinsaft 700.001 C 05/04 '2021, 21:05
- Highbury Disciple Forloren Pingvinsaft 109.888 C 05/04 '2021, 20:32
- Northern Quarter FC Greve IK 1.200.000 C 05/04 '2021, 19:47
- The Knights Talent Makers 2.300.000 C 05/04 '2021, 19:44
- The Knights Mettemus 2.100.000 C 05/04 '2021, 19:43
- - GG St Mirren 0 C 05/04 '2021, 19:10
- Attrup FC Club Sandwich 1.455.556 C 05/04 '2021, 18:43
- Yungtot Flubbi IF 755.554 C 05/04 '2021, 17:44
- Københavnske Kanoner FC Super Maule 175.000 C 05/04 '2021, 16:46
- Border Line lewis rovers 5.001 C 05/04 '2021, 16:26
- Border Line Dream Team Dyrbye 100.000 C 05/04 '2021, 16:25
- LSDrengene Bobs boys 225.000 C 05/04 '2021, 15:55