Reglerna är satta för användarnas skull, för att förbättra spelupplevelsen. Vi hoppas att alla managers spelar Virtual Manager med detta i åtanke.
§1. User account
1.1. One club
You are not allowed to operate more than one club.
1.2. Email
To play Virtual Manager you must use a valid and personal email address. This email address must be under complete control of the owner of the club. The owner is responsible for securing their email, for example, by choosing a password that is hard to guess.
1.3. Responsibility
The club owner is fully responsible for all actions done by that club.
1.4. Password
It is the responsibility of the club owner to choose a password that cannot be easily guessed and to ensure it is never shared with others.
1.5. Handovers
You are not allowed to attempt to sell or otherwise transfer the ownership of a club or other Virtual Manager assets (i.e. players and Credits) to another person.
1.6. Helpers
It is permitted to let a friend manage one's club for a short period of time. During this time the club is not allowed to trade players or discover youth players.
1.7. Scripts and bots
Any use of bots/scripts is prohibited. It is only allowed to play through the interface provided by Virtual Manager.
1.8. Account is personal
A club account is personal and may only be used by the same person who created the club. In some circumstances you are allowed to let a friend tend to your club - see section 1.6
§2. Etiquette
2.1. Tone
All communication must be in a considerate, respectful tone and must not be condescending, threatening, nor offensive.
2.2. Hacking
Hacking other clubs are prohibited. This includes unauthorised use of others' clubs and attempting to obtain other clubs' login information.
2.3. Impersonating crew
Impersonating a member of the official Virtual Manager crew is strictly prohibited.
2.4. Advertising
All kinds of advertising are prohibited unless a special agreement has been made with Virtual Manager. This includes reference links to other sites, references to players, and invitations to buy any kind of product. However, advertising players is allowed in the player sales forums, press releases, or shoutbox messages.
2.5. Spam
Spamming is prohibited. On Virtualmanager, spam includes, but is not limited to "repetitions of phrases, words, or letters that have no meaning or are disruptive in the context where they are presented". This includes excessive use of quotes. Every instance of spam is evaluated and handled by a member of the Virtual Manager Crew.
2.6. Links
Posting links to or content from sites with illegal or offensive content is strictly prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to reference links and pornographic or copyrighted content. Every instance of unacceptable linking is evaluated and handled by a member of the Virtual Manager Crew.
2.7. Encouraging rule violations
Encouraging users to commit rule violations is prohibited.
§3. Trading
3.1. Prices
Trading players at prices far exceeding their market value is prohibited.
3.2. Transferring credits
Trading players with the intent of transferring credits from one club to another is prohibited.
3.3. Trade networks
Organising trade networks with the intent of helping friends achieve higher prices for players by false bidding on auctions is prohibited.
3.4. Currency
Trading players or other in-game assets for real world currency or goods is prohibited. Trading VM Premium or Tickets for services such as logo or banner creation is done at your own risk. Asking for real world currency or goods in exchange for services such as finding employees or untrained players, or for advice and help with the game is prohibited.
3.5. Bartering
It is not permissible to conduct barter trades including multiple players or credit amounts. Every trade consists of just one player and one credit amount.
§4. Club and manager names
4.1. Names must not be offensive, insulting or deceptive.
Club names, manager names, stadium names, and fan club names must not be offensive. For example, names must not refer criminal activities or sex. Namers must not contain words or phrases that indicate that the manager is a part of the Virtual Manager crew or any other authority.
4.2. Club names must use correct capitalisation.
Names must begin with an upper case letter, and must not consist of mixed upper- and lower-case letters. For instance, names such as "fc johnnyboy" or "Fc JoHnNyBoY" will be rejected.
4.3. Borderline cases
Validators may reject names that they consider to be borderline unacceptable.
4.4. Youth squad names
Youth squad names should be related to the club name
§5. Logo/Banner
5.1. Name on banner
The banner must clearly display the club name.
5.2. Name or abbreviation on logo.
A logo must contain the name of the club or an abbreviation thereof.
5.3. Years
Logos and banners must not contain any words or numbers except for the name or abbreviation of the club name, and the founding year of the club. Words that have relevance to the founding of the club are allowed – such as "Founded", "Since", "Established" etc.
5.4. Tone
Logos and banners must not be offensive, insulting, racist politically or religously extreme, pornographic, "lewd", illegal or unsavory.
5.5. Special occasions
Logos and banners which are related to a special occasion or holiday may be accepted on a case-by-case evaluation by the validators.
5.6. Borderline cases
Validators may reject logos and banner that they consider to be borderline unacceptable.
§6. Forum
6.1. Language
You are not allowed to post in a different language than the one each forum is intended for.
6.2. Behavior
Be respectful to other users and to the Virtual Manager crew. Inappropriate behavior is not allowed. This includes, but is not limited to inappropriate language, posting or linking to offensive, inappropriate or sexual images, swearing, defamation, discrimination of race, gender or sexual orientation, etc.
6.3. Complaints
Complaints regarding locked topics, forum bans etc. must be made through the support system – not in the forums.
6.4. Judgment
In every case of "inappropriate content", " inappropriate behavior", " inappropriate language" etc. members of the Virtual Manager crew will make the final judgment on what is considered inappropriate. Attempts to subvert this judgment may result in a forum ban.
§7. Miscellaneous
7.1. Penalties
In the event of game rule violations, a Virtual Manager crew member will administer the appropriate penalty. Possible penalties include, but are not limited to, Credit fines, exclusion from social features, or exclusion from the entire game.
7.2. Public accusations
Accusing other managers of breaking the gamle rules publicly is prohibited. Public complaints about penalty decisions made by the Virtual Manager crew are prohibited. Accusations and complaints must instead be sent via the support and appeals systems.
7.3. Compensation
Loss of players, Credits, or other in-game values while a club is banned or has been hacked will not be compensated for.
7.4. Bugs
Bugs must be reported to an administrator and must not be exploited. Exploitation of bugs will be penalised.
7.5. Changes
These rules may be changed over time without prior notice.