

QI Game

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Deleted club 15 June 2010, 17:43
Is it like that Mount Fuji means Mountain Mountain and Paraguay River means River River River?

Deleted club 15 June 2010, 19:34
becos they are Australian, where men are men and sheep are careful. In that area the sheep warn the Aussie sheep shearers not to "wagga that wagga at me"

Deleted club 15 June 2010, 20:38
Stigistan FC wrote:
Is it like that Mount Fuji means Mountain Mountain and Paraguay River means River River River?
You're closest but you need to be more specific....

Mertons Comedy Players (Training Recovery) 17 June 2010, 19:09
What wags... Wagtails? Something to do with wagtails!?

Deleted club 17 June 2010, 21:57
Nah...I can tell you Wagga means crow but that dosent help with the question!!!

Dinamo Rosyth (Ryan) Forum moderator 25 June 2010, 15:26
If Wagga means crow then Wagga Wagga must mean 2 crows?

Deleted club 25 June 2010, 18:35
plurals? like sevenoaks in Australia would be oak oak oak oak oak oak oak?, so wagga wagga would be two birds?

Deleted club 25 June 2010, 19:28
Inter Me Van wrote:
plurals? like sevenoaks in Australia would be oak oak oak oak oak oak oak?, so wagga wagga would be two birds?
You kind of have it - if your more specific its yours!!

Deleted club 25 June 2010, 19:41

Deleted club 25 June 2010, 21:50
Go back to ihe plural thing!!