Final Whistle

Season 2020-15 full review

Written 12 April 2020, 19:17

This is the second season of closely following up match results based on statistics provided by VMEnhancer.

Last season we managed to win 3 points over the predicted total.

During this season we also started with one red card and a 3 days injury for our midfielder which made it hard to compete for 2-3 days but the replacements were taken into account in the statistics. In addition, it seems that this season we paid the price of previous season's overperformance and actually severely underperformed by 4/5 points being in the bottom four for the last few days. Luckily we managed to recover in the last day, as it usually happened in previous seasons where we were the underdog, which we're still not far from.

Based on ratings comparison our team was supposed to get close to 9 wins and 6-7 draws with the following points breakdown for each category:

Win points: 26,913
Draw points: 6,85
Total Points: 33,763

Complete match list results with predicted probabilities for won/draw/lost matches:

Actual results, 7 wins 8 draws and 29 points :

Other interesting statistics:
3 matches were won despite having under 33% chances of winning (+++).
3 matches were a draw where we had over 33% chance of winning (-).
6 matches were a draw where opponent had over 33% of winning(++).
5 matches were lost when we had between 37,6 and 74,2% (!!!) chances of winning(- - - - -).

The actual impact, though it might be insignificant, is losing 1-2 places in table ranking, some 5k vifa points and loosing the sponsorship despite applying way under last season's Sponsorship deal of 160k base and 80k bonus. Lowest sum applied was 135k and 65k as bonus, but we didn't even manage that! We call that bullsh!t !!!

So yet again we find ourself without sponsorship, one of the many that last year the club didn't even bother applying.

Luckily the income from the youth team stadium income far outweighs the sponsorship deal and for the past 2 seasons we averaged between 350k and 400k ticket income, bringing the total season's ticket revenue to 2,827,876 C which is the club's highest recorded ticket income in a season.

Relegation was avoided due to the only 2 wins against the odds in the last two days, with 20% and 25% in our favor, both played at home.

Having marginally avoided the relegation, the club is still vulnerable for the next 2-4 seasons, time for the reserve players to grow into better stats and allowing us to also gathers funds to replace some of the older players. On the short term the left flank is the most vulnerable with both ML/DL with lower abilities, while on the right flank the recent addition has low stamina and he's working extra time for the next week to up his level. During the season our DC Dan Piessen also got better stats and will become a firm first team player in the coming weeks, allowing for some grace period while we look for a replacement for the older more experienced DC rated 81, Eder Lodza that will enter his last month of contract. Our keeper will also be replaced on the medium term as Anthony Frank is proving himself better by the day and starting next week he will increase his playing time significantly which may prove a good moment to replace the main keeper with a younger backup keeper.
Rotating the squad this way would allow us to not get into dangerous territory as we cannot be sure of our player's plan after 31/32 yo when more and more start retiring.

A warning was issued at the end of this season by the Board, which declares that the situation we were in where the last match was played under the pressure of relegating is never to happen again!

However further funds will not be mobilised as the club's finances are already stretched thin with a net result of -2,149,022 C while the total club balance sitting at 1,292,081 C. A big investment was made in the energy updates hoping it would make a difference in keeping us one more season in 2nd division so it was seen as an investment which finally paid off.

From the previous weekly status update we have managed to fill the ML spot but instead of the required 60+ rating we had to settle for a 53/54 rated former youth already announced in the previous press release.

Full financial stats for season 2020-15 in 2nd division:
Sponsors 240,000 C
Media rights 114,754 C
Transfers 5,654,444 C
Tickets 2,827,876 C
Other 775,925 C
Income 9,612,999 C

Operation costs -633,000 C
Upgrades 0 C
Transfers -9,765,347 C
Wages -1,336,902 C
Other -26,772 C
Expenditures -11,762,021 C

Result -2,149,022 C
Balance 1,292,081 C

Club income is stable at the moment, expecting a season with 2.7-2.9M from tickets, 0 from sponsorship and maybe some outgoing transfers to be balanced with the incoming transfers.
As always we're hoping for better Cup luck in match distribution for both opponent and playing at home as it was all in one direction until now, having managed only 2 matches at home.
