New sponsor bonuses and change to division requirements
Today we have rolled out a new round of sponsor tweaks.
Division requirement removed
Sponsorship offers no longer contain division requirements, as this has been a source of confusion.
Firstly, it was confusing that the division requirement had special status in the sense that one could accept an offer where the requirement had not yet been met, when this was not the case for the other types of requirements.
There was also confusion about the payment of fines: when and how.
Finally, some managers have also asked that the bonus "Achieve Xth place in the league" ought to be linked to the division requirement and should thus be automatically fulfilled whenever you played in a higher division than the one the sponsor required.
However, if we were to link "Achieve Xth place in the league" to the division requirement, we would also have to do it with "Win X games in a row", since that one is also more difficult to achieve in a higher league.
And, it would just be rather pointless to have bonuses that were just automatically paid out if you just played in a higher league.
Therefore, the division requirement has been removed, and instead you get offers from sponsors with a budget that suits your level. Furthermore, all types of requirements are treated the same: the requirement must be fulfilled at the moment the sponsorship is accepted, and there is no longer any possibility of a fine.
In addition, we have made the following new changes:
- The youth squad requirement in sponsorship offers now requires a certain number of youth supporters, and increases the base amount of the offer proportionally to this number
- New bonus type: Play X number of international friendlies
- New bonus type: Reach round X of the National Cup
- Sponsorship offers can now contain up to 3 bonuses instead of just 2, and the chance of getting an offer with 0 bonuses is reduced
- Cooldown time after getting new sponsorship offers has been reduced to 24 hours