

Virtual Manager version 2.2 released

Bubbles, FC Sunnyvale Developer 25 March 2009, 16:00

This morning released Virtual Manager version 2.2

The biggest change in this version is also the one that is the least visible to you guys, the users, but it is something we are very excited about.

For those of you who are interested in the technical side of things I can tell you that as part of our ongoing efforts to improve upon Virtual Manager we have decided to migrate our development environment from PHP to Ruby on Rails. As of this morning, Virtual Manager is running on a hybrid system, which enables us to slowly migrate to Ruby on Rails, one feature at a time.

You likely won't even notice any changes as we move forward with this migration, but we are confident that this is a really big step towards an overall smoother and more enjoyable experience on Virtual Manager.

Currently, the cups and employees pages have been reworked and are running on Ruby on Rails, so if you notice any bugs on those pages, please let us know.

Besides the site now running on this new platform, the update includes a number of other enhancements:
On the [url=/trade]bids pages[/url], the player values is now listed as a handy reference.
On the player bids page, the auto bid field is automatically updated when you change the value in the bid field.
You credit balance is show on the player bid page, so you know how much you can spend.

...and of course, we have also fixed a large number of bugs.