

Corrections and improvements

Rasmus Rønn Nielsen, The Dudes 19 May 2009, 08:52

Last week we released version 2.2.1 which held a lot of minor fixes as well as a new scout system and some changes to the way "new matches since last login" is shown. After releasing we have gotten a huge amount of constructive criticism from you, the users! Thank you a lot. We appreciate it. In order to accommodate your needs we have composed a new release for you guys. Here's a list of changes:

[b]New matches since last login[/b]
The section that shows your last matches since last login had been moved to your status page in version 2.2.1. As this has introduced at set of new problems, we have decided to move it back to its own individual page, as it was prior to version 2.2.1. However, we're still using the new layout, so this change will make use of the best of each ways of doing things.

One of the ideas with the new scout system was to reduce the value of the scout report - in the old system they were simply too revealing about a players future. However, now the value of the scouts seem to be too vague. Therefore we have planned some enhancements. The scouts will be able to observe 5 times as many leagues as before. They will have a new ability of intelligently assessing the value of a given training pass according the used training facility. This makes their final scout report more trustworthy and easier to grasp. It will also be possible to filter results on player age and value.

Youth players will now only get a talent mark if they have at least one training pass. This is made to prevent people from finding talents simply by traversing a vast number of page on the player search. Besides these improvements, we've also fixed a large number of bugs!

Oh, and by the way... all of this is coming to you tomorrow morning!

As always we would love to hear your praise/criticism so feel free to comments on this!