

Upgrade tomorrow

Rasmus Rønn Nielsen, The Dudes 20 January 2010, 11:39

It is time again! Tomorrow we will upgrade Virtual Manager. This upgrade concerns minor maintenance fixes, but we have also managed to fit in some exciting improvements:

[b]Lighter design[/b]
Virtual Managers' design has been lightened up. We've taken the good aspects from our front page and used these on the rest of the site. The dark sides (left and right of the content) have been removed and the top bar (the green one) has been made shorter and lighter.

[url=]Have a look here :)[/url]

[b]Better player firing warning[/b]
A lot of users have notified us that, it is too easy to fire players by mistake. We've therefore improved the design of the "Are you sure?" warning on the player profile page.

[url=]Here's an example[/url]

[b]News more visible[/b]
When we send out news, a little message pops up on the status page. However, a lot of users seem to overlook this message. This is not good, as we often send out very important information through the news system. Therefore we have made this message bigger and harder to miss. Of course, it will still be possible to discard the message. [url=]Look at this example.[/url]

Besides this, we have improved on some minor areas:
Banned clubs will see a more descriptive text on the "You are banned"-page.
Injury symbol is no longer shown in the match summary (to avoid confusion with players getting injured during match).
Fixed a lot of bugs!
The page no longer "blinks" (banners and more are hidden) when you hover the top menu (works in all browser except for Internet Explorer).
The upgrade will take place between 9 and 10 am.