

Daily player mark updates!

Bubbles, FC Sunnyvale Developer 14 April 2010, 14:27

When we rolled out the improved version of the procedure we use for determining whether or not a player should get the Talent mark, we asked you guys if you'd like it if we were to perform the update of all the player marks daily.

The answer we got was a resounding YES, so we've been hammering away at the procedure, in order to make that happen.

So, starting next Monday, April 19th, player marks will be updated daily, at 13:00 GMT / 14:00 CET. We expect that the procedure will take about 10 minutes to run each day.

We've also changed the order in which the different parts of the process happen, so that you will no longer see your player first lose his mark, and then get it back again a few minutes later if you're watching him while the update process is running.