

Summer update

Rasmus Rønn Nielsen, The Dudes 28 July 2010, 11:52

Yesterday, while you were outside enjoying the sunny weather, we released a new version of Virtual Manager. Here is a list of changes:
Ombudsmen and admins can now reset a club (with the owners consent). This way, you do not have to create a new email/club if you want to start over.
Youth players section rewritten in Rails.
League pages rewritten in Rails.
Mail: A warning is shown every time you click a link from another user.
Mail: Clean up feature (to remove old system mails for instance).
National team are now only set for countries with players older than 25 years. This prevents newly added countries from having "weird" national teams with only young players (as this confused some players into paying far more for players than they were worth).
Lots of bug fixes
We hope you'll enjoy the new features :)