

Sorry for the mess

Rasmus Rønn Nielsen, The Dudes 11 September 2011, 13:47

As some of you have noticed, there have been a lot of minor bugs on Virtual Manager for the last week. The reason is that we recently upgraded our servers to use a new version of our platform software. This is required in order to manage the upcoming stadium editor [url=/forums/topics/893817-horizon-september-2011]that we presented in a news post a week ago[/url].

When you change software, there is a risk that you also introduce bugs. The above mentioned change introduced several bugs. We've been fixing these during the week, and today we fixed three additional annoying bugs:
You could not apply for playing in another country
You could not apply for sponsorship
The player description were not updated properly
We'll continue our efforts to provide you with an error free game. Thanks for your patience. If you experience a bug, please consider reporting it via our [url=/bugs]bug tracker[/url].