

Help page gets side navigation as well

Rasmus Rønn Nielsen, The Dudes 5 December 2012, 17:31

A while ago, we streamlined and simplified Virtual Manager's overall design and navigation. Almost all pages were equipped with a relevant navigation on the left hand side.

However, one page were overlooked: The Help page (which is also updated recently by the way).

This has now been remedied. Click Help in the top menu to see what I mean.

At the same time, we've removed the bottom menu (a line of links that were located below the content area). It was only used by few users, so we thought it didn't really pay for itself. The links from the menu are now placed in appropriate side navigation menues. For instance, the bugs page can now be found through Help > Bug reports and the blog can be found through Community > Blog.

Of course, this is just a little change, but we thought we'd mention it anyway :-)

Pssst, I've heard a rumour that there'll be a new preview of the match simulator tomorrow! :D