Final Whistle

First staff hired

Skrevet 12. juli 2019, 12:20

After insistance from the manager, the Board of Directors of Adrianopol F.C. has decided to invest in the first proffesional coach for the team.
Given the previous investments in the club's infrastructure improvement we could only make avalable 50k C and a salary of 3K C/day.

Initial candidates that met the criteria (20 skill in Outfield) that presented themself to the interview were:

Berl Kantor, 33 yo from Israel :
Sasan Ceous, 33 yo from Iran
Harilaos Demertzis 33 yo from Grece:
Ariel Torrent (+20 Keeper):

The runner-up was Simunek Fikes 33 yo from Czech Republic (+19 Youth) :

Finally we decided to select Ernesto Pedro Travieso, 33 yo from Cuba

His first task is to increase the phisical presence of our squad as well as coach our most proeminent player 27 yo Vaqif Abulfetoglu from Azerbaijan

Following the succesful completion of the task we expect a general training schedule to be implemented to benefit the whole senior squad while evaluation other candidates to take over the youth squad as soon as the next upgrade of training facilities is completed.

Best of luck Ernesto !
