Brentford AFC

Brentford AFC

Skrevet 9. juli 2013, 00:39

This is a hole new team -

A new name and new players

Squad =

Squad (13/22)

K Hamyan Imraan
DL Czcibor Osuch
DR Jan Stening
DC Maahir Waziri
DC Lkhanaasuren Erdene
MD Gabriel Ivan Albanese
ML Taishuu Erihara
ML Padraig Carney
MC Stas Pokrywiecki Smarz
MC Alix McDonald MacBeth
MR Hugibert Von Rosmer
FL Robert Stevo
FL Jiji Sen

This is the strongest team that Iv had and hope to bring more success to the team. houn fc won 43 trophies and I hope we can win more as Brentford AFC.
