Sildegapet FC

Sildegapet 1 Aselby 0

Skrevet 30. juni 2014, 11:04

Sildegapet FC got their league campaign underway with a 1-0 win over Aselby, dominating their opponents all afternoon. Despite a lethargic first half, Emmanuel Danel scored in the 54th minute to seal victory.

A bright start to the match by the whites yielded an excellent opening for Arthur Ofstad but he was to be denied by Sameh, before shooting wide on the follow up. For the rest of the half, Aselby successfully prevented any further clear cut chances with the new look home side struggling to gel.

The second half began in the same manner, with openings appearing before a misplaced pass or a last ditch tackle keeping the scores level. In the 54th minute, Data Dzodzuashvili slipped Danel in on the right hand side. His attempted cross was blocked but a moment of indecision allowed the Frenchman to pounce on the loose ball and slot home for the winner.

The whites continued to dominate proceedings with further good chances for Dzodzuashvili, Ofstad and Danel but they were all spurned.

It was a winning start but many agree that this performance will have to be improved upon if they are to win the league title.
