2. division, pulje 1 - U23


Sæson 1. plads 2. plads 3. plads
2023-41 Agerskov ZX Ungdomshold Jumeirah Beach Vikings Ungdomshold Isaksmo FC Ungdomshold
2023-40 The Flames Ungdomshold Den Unge Elite Ungdomshold Morty United Ungdomshold
2023-39 AFC Redhill Ungdomshold Jumeirah Beach Vikings Ungdomshold Lille lars Ungdomshold
2023-38 Bennets Barske Bisser Ungdomshold The Flames Ungdomshold Picollo Ford Albion Ungdomshold
2023-37 Running Raiders Ungdomshold Southampton F C Ungdomshold The Flames Ungdomshold
2023-36 Agerskov ZX Ungdomshold Newcastle U FC Ungdomshold Bennets Barske Bisser Ungdomshold
2023-35 Akeen JFC Ungdomshold VojensIif Ungdomshold Kanazawa FC Ungdomshold
2023-34 Logumkloster IF Ungdomshold Jumeirah Beach Vikings Ungdomshold Southampton F C Ungdomshold
2023-33 Jungledyrene FC Ungdomshold FC Bello TK Ungdomshold La Snuseriet Ungdomshold
2023-32 Newcastle U FC Ungdomshold Understated Excellence Ungdomshold Southampton F C Ungdomshold