Rhythm FC

Build it and they will come

Written jueves, 20 de Diciembre de 2018 14:31:56 +0100

We are pleased to announce the expansion of our Stadium 'The Theater of Memes' from 78,000 seats to a maximum capacity of 91,600. The Board believe that with the new stadium Rhythm FC can now compete with the very best clubs in VM. The new East stand has been renamed 'The Barry Chuckle Stand' in honour of the beloved former club mascot.

There are no plans to exapnd the stadium any further for the forseeable future.


Rich jueves, 20 de Diciembre de 2018 15:17:17 +0100

Ooka lunes, 31 de Diciembre de 2018 22:27:22 +0100
Congrats, and happy new year!