

trainers / training / advice.

Posted in General

Chittle Chiefs FC (Daz) 3 February 2014, 00:03
Does it make a difference (in players training) how many are in a group to train?

I've been training the players on TM and Hard pretty much the whole time. For this would ONE trainer be enough? (as long as he has 19/20 in each Y/GK/OF) or

would it be best to split them into smaller groups? (depending how many trainers you can afford)
e.g. youths in one, keepers in another, outfielders in another.

I've found it hard to get a trainer with all 3 stats either 19 or 20, but yesterday I got one with 19 / 20 / 19 which is why I'm asking the above.............or would this trainer be perfect to train the whole team (saving me money on others)?

Also at what point should I specialise the training?...........e.g. defenders get all stats to about 60 then train them just in defending...............or just stick to TM?

Deleted club 3 February 2014, 01:00
You can train as many as you like in one group so yes your trainer would be ok (although I haven't looked at him just taking your word for his stats)

The only problem with this is you have to then train all your players on the same thing where as if you can afford to you might want to start thinking about training your different players in different routines....

i.e. Defenders = defending, Forwards = technique etc...

Chittle Chiefs FC (Daz) 3 February 2014, 20:51
Thanks for the reply..........I've done some searching and found 3 trainers with 20 / 20 stats in youth and outfield and one with 20 / 20 in youth and I've split them into the 4 groups.Then researched for what's best for each group (training wise) to see how it works over the next few weeks...

Chittle Chiefs FC (Daz) 3 February 2014, 20:53
oh while I think about it a good idea to upgrade to specialist from doctors? and how much does it cost to boost a players energy?

The Goon Squad (Very) 3 February 2014, 21:03
Chittle Chiefs FC wrote:
oh while I think about it a good idea to upgrade to specialist from doctors? and how much does it cost to boost a players energy?
Don't waste your money yet wait until you have WCTF and lots more experience, as well as a team worth boosting.

Deleted club 3 February 2014, 21:15
1 trainer for each position is what i think is the best. Keepers, Defenders, Midfielders, Forwards.. Then specialise them smiley

Methchester United (Tony Hopkins) 3 February 2014, 23:29

This gives those 3 stats for each trainer, so you can compare/ whatever you want smiley