

App develop - Adam And If

Posted in Ideas/development

Adam And If (andemanden) 28 December 2014, 17:26
Hello Virtual Managers.

I would gladly appreciate it, if you could all up-vote + comment on this post. This is a post about making a vman app.

I've thought about it, and as I see it, you have 3 options.

Option 1.
They could make it free to download (On the pros. It's free. Cons: It will cause it to take longer time for them to develop it since they wont make money on it - except ads)

Option 2.
Put it on the app store for 0.99 €. Of cause not as appealing as Option 1. In this option we swap around the pros and cons. Pros: Since they are SELLING, apart from GIVING the app, they would make money on it, so the develop would probably be faster. Cons: It will cost a few.

Option 3.
Almost the same as Option 2, but will be more appealing for the vman-user. My suggestion is that you put a price, such as 2.99 € for the app, but instead of just earning more money, than Option 2. there should be an extra advantage. When purchasing and first connecting to your vman account through your iPhone/tablet e.g. you will get 1 month free vman-license. Thinking that through sounded really nice to me. But I never figured out what should happen to vman players that ALREADY have vman-license. Until I recently came up with a new idea.
On first log-in on the app, you should get to choose between, 1 month "free" vman-license. OR lets say 50 vman-clip.

These are the options i find available for the current situation.
When it comes to Option 2 and 3, i would of cause suggest you set a hidden pattern behind the ACCOUNT, so people weren't able to claim the reward more than ONCE pr. account. That way you couldn't just get your friends to sign in on your account and get free vman-license.

Best regards
Adam And IF
Please! Lets raise the App!

Deleted club 28 December 2014, 17:39
Bump! Upvote

Chelsea Football CF (The Football Empire XI) 28 December 2014, 17:40

Deleted club 29 December 2014, 09:20
The devs have already suggested this will not happen

- The amount of people who access the site via a mobile phone wouldnt make it viable

- Modern mobile phones can handle a website almost as well as a PC can.

Therefore its not worth them spending lots of time on a mobile app when there are so many other things that need doing.

Adam And If (andemanden) 29 December 2014, 16:51
I wouldn't agree.. Im not sure if it's just me or other people having the same problem. But whenever i go train, from the phone in ect. morning, using the website, the browser always shut down and says networkerror and i have to log in again. It's not the end of the world, but its very frustrating. That's why I started this post. To make vman employers realize how many people would actually appreciate and like the idea of a simple app, for the most basic stuff.

Deleted club 29 December 2014, 17:05
Adam And If wrote:
I wouldn't agree.. Im not sure if it's just me or other people having the same problem. But whenever i go train, from the phone in ect. morning, using the website, the browser always shut down and says networkerror and i have to log in again. It's not the end of the world, but its very frustrating. That's why I started this post. To make vman employers realize how many people would actually appreciate and like the idea of a simple app, for the most basic stuff.
I would agree, the development Deffo made a post a while back.

If you are having issues I suggest raising a bug report

Sent from my mobile phone

Understated Excellence (Messiah) 30 December 2014, 01:14
Penny is right on this one