

Any 1000 Match's players?

Posted in General

Deleted club 25 March 2017, 19:42
Does Anyone has any player in their team who has played over 1000 Matches for their club if so comment with link and lets see the longest legend. My longest reigning match streak is 684 and my Keeper

Rhythm FC (MMM) 25 March 2017, 22:10
Reckon all of moody bow's players will have over 1000 matches easily

FC of Liverpool (Martin Alderson-Crombie) 25 March 2017, 22:14
I have had a few players play over 1000 games, the most is a keeper who played 1754 times. He is long since retired so i don't have a link for him. I believe some teams have had players play 2000+ games.

SuDoku AFC (Crew Member of the year) Crew 25 March 2017, 22:31

Deleted club 26 March 2017, 10:01
1000 isn't that many for a oldie i got a 27yr old who has played 817. If you take into account he played very few matches until he matured at my club 1000 really isn't a lot.

Deleted club 26 March 2017, 10:58

FC Clock Face (The Special One) Forum moderator 26 March 2017, 10:58