


Posted in General

Telford Fortunes (Ed Freeman) 20 February 2020, 15:36

This is probably the most stupid question ever but is there a way to see a player potential do I just look on how he trains on a certain ground then go from there ?

Thanks in advance

RANGERS AFC (wullie) 20 February 2020, 16:05
Scouts - Important stats:
Potential assessment: Scout's ability to assess potential
Ability assessment: Scout's ability to assess ability
Motivation: Scout's ability to return an untrained youth in the results
Discipline: Determines the maximum number of players in a report.
Motivation plus Discipline: Determines for how long the scout will need to rest after finishing a report.

Ideally you should be looking for scouts with 20/20 on as many of the above attributes as possible.

The scout works by searching for players, and providing a limited number of reports. He shows his assessment of players as a grading - these are imperfect and different scouts may grade players differently, so to get a complete picture of a players potential, you may need to run several scouts on the same player.

It takes 3 Minutes for the scout to report back and below are the ratings he comes back with:

Below Average

You can also use your Scout to evaluate your own players or the players of a specific team, you do this by pressing the Evaluate Players button on club page

Telford Fortunes (Ed Freeman) 20 February 2020, 16:12
Great thanks

Final Whistle (join) 20 February 2020, 19:58
He shows his assessment of players as a grading - these are imperfect and different scouts may grade players differently, so to get a complete picture of a players potential, you may need to run several scouts on the same player.
Each scouting report is individual and can be different even if it's the same scout the same day for the same team.

If a player has enough trainings you can estimate his potential yourself more accurate than the scout, but you need to be aware of all the factors:
- was a trainer used?
- was he overtrained and his skills over 115% average took a penalty on training?
- how was the team's average training over the period (easier for own team or for teams with less players)
- how was the players training over previous period compared to the last 10 trainings for which the average training is displayed.

You can also use it works, as it has some downtime from time to time) to simplify this, as they have incorporated some of this factors in. Also there is a plugin for chrome called VMEnhancer that I think shows potentials for the scout reports and which skills are overtrained.

I've linked in my profile all the resources I found for advancing faster in this game, take a look.

Telford Fortunes (Ed Freeman) 20 February 2020, 20:53
Thank you will take a look now