

Lawyer + Daily/Weekly Objectives

Posted in Ideas/development

MSC Rooney (Greg Garcia) 1 November 2017, 21:53
Should implement a lawyer feature where you can appeal bans from matches and get the sentences reduced. Could also add daily or weekly objectives like they did in FIFA 18. An example would be getting x amount of coins for buying a player, training players, etc. For weekly it could be buy 10 players and get x amount of coins

Queens Gambit (EB) 23 November 2017, 17:29
Good idea with the appeals and the objectives, although buying players shouldn't be an objective imo. Objectives are already kind of in the game, with sponsors, which could be expanded upon, like score x goals this season, have a winstreak of x games, stuff like that. You could set your own goals, and the game could reward you accordingly instead of you setting the reward. The sponsor reward system is already strange, and could use an overhaul.