

Can anyone help with a logo please

Posted in Banners/logos

Shiranui FC (Joe Carson) 3 March 2018, 12:15
Hi all,

Most of you probably don't know my team name is based of a Yugioh deck known as Shiranui basically a zombie themed Japan story.

It would be great if someone could do me a logo of the card Shiranui Solitare with a football on top of the stick he holds or something like that haha. Maybe so he he holds the football on the stick and the card background is gone so it is just him and the football?

Yes I am geeky enough to want something like that or anything else anybody suggests

Thanks smiley

Rookery Park (Matt Colley) 4 March 2018, 16:50

Hope this is the sort of thing you were after. smiley

Shiranui FC (Joe Carson) 4 March 2018, 20:05
You are amazing!

It is brilliant. Thank you very much smiley Much appreciated!