

Well it looks like this game has died a death

Posted in General

Ice Nine Kills (Ex-Mørtis) 31 March 2024, 14:06
Just thought I'd stop in after several years away and see what's been happening in the game... not much apart from people leaving by the looks of things. Hope you guys are all well. Has Paul won that elusive NCC yet?

Rookery Park (Matt Colley) 31 March 2024, 18:51
Welcome and hope to see you back but yes the game is even more dead than when you left sadly smiley

BoldonBoys (Manager of BoldonBoys) 1 April 2024, 19:35
out of curiosity, what makes people say this game is dead when it seems to have atleast 300+ managers online at any given point?

Rookery Park (Matt Colley) 1 April 2024, 19:49
BoldonBoys wrote:
out of curiosity, what makes people say this game is dead when it seems to have atleast 300+ managers online at any given point?
The developers haven't given us any update or information in several months, quieter transfer market, quieter forums than previous years. Maybe dead is harsh, but certainly the game is dying, big managers that have been here for years are growing tired and leaving, nostalgia brings a lot of us back, but its not the same as it once was and a lot of us don't really see any positives for the future on how the game will improve/amend its flaws.

I still enjoy it, I accept its flaws but if you check my history I've left and came back a few times, you grow tired of a game when there's little to no updates.

Rookery Park (Matt Colley) 1 April 2024, 19:52
BoldonBoys wrote:
out of curiosity, what makes people say this game is dead when it seems to have atleast 300+ managers online at any given point?
I assume you've had a team previously on VM with the way you talk about it?

If so, what team were you? smiley

Ice Nine Kills (Ex-Mørtis) 2 April 2024, 00:06
BoldonBoys wrote:
out of curiosity, what makes people say this game is dead when it seems to have atleast 300+ managers online at any given point?
It used to have 1000+

Arsenäl FC (International Quad Champion) Forum moderator 4 April 2024, 02:59
The Dark Carnival wrote:
Just thought I'd stop in after several years away and see what's been happening in the game... not much apart from people leaving by the looks of things. Hope you guys are all well. Has Paul won that elusive NCC yet?
Hello there mate smiley It may not look like it but I'm still here. As for Paul winning the NCC, you can leave for another few years and return and he'll still not have won it smiley

Sporting Malvinas (IzzyBoy) 4 April 2024, 06:03
I feel bad for for only discovering this game last week...

Briggs FC (Briggs FC) 4 April 2024, 15:00
Thunder Dragons wrote:
I feel bad for for only discovering this game last week...
Don't feel bad, it's been exactly the same for the past ten years literally very little has changed.

Sporting Malvinas (IzzyBoy) 5 April 2024, 01:57
Yeah i get it, but i wish i played it, when it had a bigger player base.