

Virtual Manager on Footballidentity

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Northampton Town (Josh) 2 May 2010, 17:00
Humans AFC wrote:
If I don't get the job I have applied for, I'll consider being manager.
I'll be manager smiley

Sparky Taylor.

Tokelo Mockingbird (The Rantie Man) 2 May 2010, 17:32
Rob Nicholson - SB

How long are the matches???

Northampton Town (Josh) 2 May 2010, 17:34
I'd advise having an assistant manager as I won't be able to communicate with the team as long as Britannia Blues are in the same division.

Internazionale Sanremo (AJ Nancekivell) 2 May 2010, 17:39
Humans AFC wrote:
I'd advise having an assistant manager as I won't be able to communicate with the team as long as Britannia Blues are in the same division.
well, work hard and get Britannia Blues promoted smiley

Tokelo Mockingbird (The Rantie Man) 2 May 2010, 19:50
How long are the matches and what happens if you're not onlne during a match

Northampton Town (Josh) 2 May 2010, 20:06
If you are not online, you will be replaced by a bot. Matches last about 1 hour - 1 hour 30 minutes.

Deleted club 2 May 2010, 20:59
Adil Erim


Internazionale Sanremo (AJ Nancekivell) 2 May 2010, 21:00
Humans, if yu can log on at around 10 in the morning team 22 should be availible smiley

Deleted club 2 May 2010, 21:04
You can sign my SM smiley

Northampton Town (Josh) 2 May 2010, 21:07
Not while your other character is at Old Swan United smiley

But I'm not paying 10,000,000 for him.