Mountain Shadow FC

Team name change

Written 8 August 2011, 16:21

Previously Wet Willies, we have changed our name to a more professional and realistic name. I used to play on a Premiere team in Oregon for 10 years, from about 7-17 and we dominated, even playing in age classes 2-3 years older than us. We where called Mountain Shadow, we had the same teammates the whole time giving us an edge every time we played, we all knew exactly how everyone played and what we needed to do to succeed.

I wanted to bring that spark back to my life, and really this is the only way. Our previous name may have been a bit offensive but it was not intended to be, I have always used that name for online competitions.

We look forward to making progress and climbing the ranks of Div. 5 to conquer and move to the next level.
