Stoke Eagles

Stoke Eagles grudge match.

Skrivet Tor, 8 Okt 2015 21:42:28 +0200

After a tumultuous week that has seen the Eagles scrape past tough side' USC Upstate' - giving them (USC) their first defeat of the season, Stoke Eagles prepare for a grudge match against the first team they lost to this season -' Chralles Team'.

Eagles manger 'Chopperinho' had a few words to say about the forthcoming game'

Quote " We lost 3-2 last game , this time hopefully the tables will be turned, we have sent the scouts into the enemies camp and have hopefully sniffed out there weaknesses.

I wont beat about the bush, this game is another big game not just because our team wants revenge but also because our opponents are high up in the league.

The team have their orders, hopefully it will be a hatchet job , it probably wont be a pretty game, you can expect a lot of blood sweat and tears, we've told the necessary authorities to triple the doctor and ambulances for this game."
