Moody Bow

Day one

Skrivet Mån, 7 Jun 2010 17:33:00 +0200

We got more home cup games than away today ... WHOOPEEEEE <blows klaxon>

Went to see the Bank Manager today <gulps>. Was informed the team was in good shape apart from the irritating noddy who decided to hang up his boots for no good reason <blows klaxon once more in Andres Guerra’s face>

I am still trying desperately to save for a lovely new training ground for the boys. They deserve it having played really well for the past few seasons and achieved some nice positions in Serie A along the way. The Bank Manager flatly refused to give me a loan and suggested I try my usual trick of selling half my team, dropping down a league and praying I can make it back out the other side.

A few youths jumped over the update and I am still trying to flog them so if anyone fancies them give me a shout and make me a decent offer. This suggestion is not open to Sheepy because whatever I quote him he is always looking to sign my player for half as much again!

Good luck to all in the World Cup and as I actually have Denmark in the sweepstake at work … COME ON YOU DANES! I’ll shout for anyone when there is 12 quid at stake J


Ons, 9 Jun 2010 13:07:48 +0200
mmm danish bacon