3. division, pulje 3 - U23


Sæson 1. plads 2. plads 3. plads
2023-01 New Mancunians FC Ungdomshold The Hull city Ungdomshold Tiki Xhaka Ungdomshold
2022-52 Ipswich Town Allstars Ungdomshold Illuminati Boldklub Ungdomshold The Hull city Ungdomshold
2022-51 Team Yalah Ungdomshold Blyth Spartans FC Ungdomshold Illuminati Boldklub Ungdomshold
2022-50 Lukeluker Youth Team Ungdomshold The Hull city Ungdomshold FirkløverFC Ungdomshold
2022-49 SAS united Ungdomshold Sorendrenge if Ungdomshold The Hull city Ungdomshold
2022-48 Jefferson Rovers Ungdomshold Lukeluker Youth Team Ungdomshold FC Coolness Ungdomshold
2022-47 Sorendrenge if Ungdomshold Camred Rovers Ungdomshold Lukeluker Youth Team Ungdomshold
2022-46 FC Dronningemaen Ungdomshold The Academy Ungdomshold Lukeluker Youth Team Ungdomshold
2022-45 Ipswich Town Allstars Ungdomshold DME United U23 Ungdomshold Backallyshinkickers Ungdomshold
2022-44 Hillerød Stars Ungdomshold Odense Ounces FC Ungdomshold Ipswich Town Allstars Ungdomshold