

The Sunday Update

Posted in General

Deleted club 25 April 2010, 23:09
The Town wrote:
Mine was k, 2 million increase but i also lost about 2 million. 20 to 21 year olds are always low value and then get an increase at 23. A long wait yet!
at 20 they usually get a huge increasse? smiley

Deleted club 26 April 2010, 12:41
FC DørelliH wrote:
The Town wrote:
Mine was k, 2 million increase but i also lost about 2 million. 20 to 21 year olds are always low value and then get an increase at 23. A long wait yet!
at 20 they usually get a huge increasse? smiley
doh... mine always drop... they get a 1 to 1.5 million at 18, then 19 they are 1.2 to 1.4 and at 20 they go below 1 million.....

There not poor trainers and have good stats... i just thought it was the norm! Doh?!??!!

Deleted club 26 April 2010, 12:45
At 15 there is the 1mio+ increasse... At 16 there is one aswell, but only the very best get that one.. at 17 there is the 10mio increasse.. At 18 the 1.5+mio increasse which is rather normal aswell as the 15 1mio+ value... At 19 there is one aswell, but rare as the 16 value boost... Then 20 there is one aswell where my players normally go from 2mio to 4.5+mio and same with lower stats players who got from around 50k to 400k as 20 y/o smiley

Hope you understond it smiley

Deleted club 26 April 2010, 15:56
Nice bit of information there smiley

Now I know to keep the players who don't get the 10mil value update at 17 till 20 cos they will go up xD

Northampton Town (Josh) 29 April 2010, 16:52
2 of the 4 that lost T's have got them back and someone else got a T, so I have 3 now smiley

Deleted club 2 May 2010, 20:14
5million before the update.

Deleted club 2 May 2010, 20:45
Before update = 70.338.800 C

Don't expects much...

Deleted club 2 May 2010, 20:49
17.8 million before the update.

Deleted club 2 May 2010, 20:52
41 before update
65 after

Deleted club 3 May 2010, 11:16
The Town wrote:
5million before the update.
Ended up on 8 million, quite happy!