The following rules apply to all forums which carry the International tag.
Topics and posts which breach these rules may be moved, edited, locked or deleted without warning.
Serious and/or repeated contravention of these rules may result in fines and/or forum bans being issued.
Make sure you read and understand the rules. Ignorance is no defence!
NB. All topics locked in International will be moved to the Locked Threads section. If you notice that your topic has disappeared, it is advisable to check here first to see if it has been locked and, if so, why.
NB. Although these rules do no apply to privately maintained forums, the Game Rules still do! As such, the admin team reserve the right to take appropriate action when the Game Rules are broken in a private forum.
Topics and posts which breach these rules may be moved, edited, locked or deleted without warning.
Serious and/or repeated contravention of these rules may result in fines and/or forum bans being issued.
Make sure you read and understand the rules. Ignorance is no defence!
NB. All topics locked in International will be moved to the Locked Threads section. If you notice that your topic has disappeared, it is advisable to check here first to see if it has been locked and, if so, why.
NB. Although these rules do no apply to privately maintained forums, the Game Rules still do! As such, the admin team reserve the right to take appropriate action when the Game Rules are broken in a private forum.